Terms of Service

  • Every sale is final and cannot be refunded.
  • Only one person can be the owner of the CMS license. If there are multiple people in the staff of the server who buy this product, please indicate who will be the owner of the license.
    It will usually happen that the staff will split and they will decide to open two different servers both claiming that they own the license of the website. Again, the license belongs to one person only and there can’t be two people using the same license at the same time.
  • The license cannot be transferred for any reason.
  • Support is best-effort. I do not guarantee fast responses or to be available 24/7. I have my scheduled engagements and I can’t be there every time. I usually reply in a couple minutes or in the next two days.
  • The website is sold as it is. If you need to change anything or you want any customization, I do not provide free support for it. I will not reply to any questions asking for “how can add this cript”, “how can I edit this code”, etc…
  • I give free support only for problems directly related to the website script.
    Please read this section carefully to understand what is covered by free support and what not:
    • Covered by free support:
      • Bug in the CMS code
    • Not covered by free support:
      • You don’t like how a functionality work and you want to slightly change it
      • You made changes to the source code by yourself and now something is not working
      • You need help to do anything (even if it is just a question)
      • Your website suddenlty stopped working for any problem related to your VPS/Game Server configuration (you messed up firewall rules, you didn’t make any maintantance on the website vps, you did never install updates on the website VPS, you broke DNS configuration, and so on…)
      • You asked for a custom work (or design), tested it and accepted that it meets you requirements but then changed your mind about something or realised that it’s not working properly. Sale is considered concluded after you test a custom work and accept it. Any other change will require a surcharge.