Make sure that your Stripe account has all the information they required or you might get suspended or banned from Stripe. I don’t provide any kind of support if your account gets limited or suspended, so use Stripe with care!
First of all go to “Developer” page.

Then go to “Api keys” and create a new api key.

Select “Build your own interation” and then click on “Continue” (at the bottom).

Give it the name your prefer, for example “item shop”:

And then set only “Checkout Session” to Write.

Finally click on “Create key” at the bottom.

Copy and save somewhere the created key because you will not be able to see it again!
Now go to website dashboard and click on “Payment gatewaays” under the voice “Settings”.

You must copy these two keys from Stripe: publishable key (you can copy it by clicking on the key) and the restricted key you have just created (you cannot see the key anymore on Stripe dashboard, so you should have noted it somewhere when you have created it!).

Now write the two keys in the dashboard and save. Be carefull not to include white spaces at the end or at the beginning of the key!

Go back to Stripe dashboard and go to “Webhooks” and click on “Add endpoint”.

Configure it as follows:

As endpoint url you must write
Of course change “” with your actual domain name.
Then where it says “Select events to listed to” you need to select only “checkout.session.completed”.

Finally click on “Add endpoint” to save.

Click on the endpoint you have just created to open it

Click on “Reveal” under “Signing secret”

Copy the secret and write it in the Payment gateway setting of the dashboard

Do not forget to save! Save button is at the bottom of the page.

Now you have configured stripe!